SmartBin offers complete solution for waste collection

Waste Management is one of the most important key areas of focus in smart cities and new innovations are being tested which may make lives easier of municipal authorities involved in ever growing burden of waste. Smartbin founded in 2010 is one of the companies which have a proven solution for intelligent Remote Monitoring Systems for the waste & recycling sectors and currently boasts of more than 100 clients.

The technology is said to inform collection and management teams when individual waste containers are ready to be emptied through fill level monitoring and also offer dynamic route optimisation, enhanced fleet management and GPS functionality to provide a 360 degree solution.

The system can be retrofitted to an extensive range of waste bins, containers and recycling stations across an entire waste fleet making it easier to deploy. Through ‘on-demand waste collection, the solution can reduce collection frequency resulting in decreased operational cost of waste collection. The garbage do not need to stop and check status of bins and instead they can reach the bins which require immediate attention and plan their route accordingly. This can not only save from citizen complaints of overfilled bins which but also huge savings on driver hours, truck wear, and fuel costs.

The sensors behind the SmartBins are completely wireless and reports fill level, GPS position and temperature. The sensors come with batteries with 10 years life and protected inside robust, weather-proof and non-corrosive enclosures. It uses sim cards and internal antenna to connect to the central monitoring stations through a web based portal which  also shows optimum route plan for garbage van drivers.

TDC which is the largest telecom company in Denmark along with Cisco launched its platform of smart city solutions which is a result of partnership with multiple platforms during the Greater Copenhagen Smart Solutions Conference. The participants got to experience live deployments of smart solutions including Intelligent Waste Monitoring by SmartBin™ along with almost 40 solutions for ighting, parking, waste and environmental sensing integrated into a single interface.

The official website of SmartBin mentions that the company already has their distributor in India through their tie-up with AmigoOptima based in Hyderbad with offices across the country.
Reference Links: 1. – Official website of Smartbin






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